Hair Transplantation Specialist and Researcher Aziz Aksöz explained that they achieved successful results with Fat Hair Transplantation, which is made with the use of autologous oil rich in stem cells:
“Hair is a miniature organ and we have been trying to unravel the secret of this organ for years because male pattern hair loss affects one out of every three men today. Hair transplantation, on the other hand, is currently the gold standard, a remedy for many people who experience hair loss. Stem cells, which form the basis of Fat Hair transplantation and are used especially in regenerative medicine, are the cells that help us to take hair transplantation to the next level, have advantages, and form the structure of all tissues and organs. When we perform Fat Hair Transplantation to the patient, stem cells play a role in the regeneration, nutrition and rapid vascularization of all damaged tissue.
With a simple liposuction application, we take some oil from the patient to be transplanted, enrich it with stem cells, and inject this concentrated oil into the patient’s scalp homogeneously before FUE hair transplantation. Then we perform the hair transplant application. The purpose of obtaining the stem cells from the patient’s own fat is that the regional fat is simply a rich source of stem cells. On the other hand, the hair follicles are very close to the adjacent adipose tissue in the skin. Numerous scientific studies on this subject support the complex interaction and communication between adipose tissue and hair follicle growth and regeneration. Special proteins called growth factors produced from the patient’s own fat have been shown to have a strong effect on the cycle of hair follicles.
When we take hair grafts from the donor area during hair transplantation, we observe drop-shaped hair follicle grafts containing some fat tissue under the follicular units. In this way, we have also witnessed that an oily root always has better survival, healthy survival rates and gives very good results in post-operative hair growth. This confirms the relationship between adipose tissue and healthy hair growth. When we examine the hairless scalp, we see that this adipose tissue does not remain, and even adheres to the bone and becomes thinner. For ollicu for the unit to utologous TWith FAT Fat Hair transplantation, which we derive from the first letters of the words transplantation, we help the recipient area, that is, the areas where we will transplant hair, become healthy again, and by using stem cell-rich oil, we make it easier for the hair we will transplant to get used to its new home as soon as possible.
FAT Hair transplantation, which positively affects the hair follicle cycle for patients who have hair loss problems and want to have hair transplantation, is a transplantation method based on scientific data in every respect. We will present our academic article very soon with the data we have collected for about 2 years and the test experimental groups we have created. We observe the biggest advantage of FAT Hair transplantation performed with the patient’s own fat in the results. Since the stem cell-rich oil enables the hair to hold on better and faster, we see results earlier. The rapid vascularization of the stem cells, that is, the feeding of the newly planted hair as soon as possible, ensures that more hair is attached and wound healing is faster. “