We can think of solid or liquid foods that we consume in our daily diet as an essential fuel source in order to progress without stumbling in the marathon of life. In order to continue, we need to fill the tank, while doing so without sacrificing quality. All the foods consumed have effects not only on physical health but also on emotional states. Human health consists of a physical and spiritual whole, from the roots of the hair to the tips of the feet and the balance of the sensory fluctuations in the inner world. Therefore, providing the consumed foods from the right and high quality nutritional sources will be the most valuable and profitable investment we will make for our health.
Hair is considered as the most important complementary part of visual beauty. Hair loss; With its physiological dimensions and psychological consequences, it has emerged as a problem that occupies the agenda of almost all of us at least once in our lives. Hair health is indirectly related to our eating and drinking habits. For this reason, reviewing the foods we consume will be an important step towards solving the problem. Of course, it is not possible to create and implement a standard nutrition program. Although the diet program is personal, it is created by emphasizing what you need. Although there is no one-size-fits-all recipe in terms of being personal, some foods that threaten hair health are the common denominator of all of us. An accurate risk analysis starts with the assessment of threats. And every threat contains clues that lead us to the truth. So first, let’s take a look at the harmful foods that covet our hair health.
Carbonated Drinks
There is no scientific evidence that any fizzy drink directly causes hair loss. However, we advise you not to rejoice prematurely. carbonated drinks; With the preservatives added to its content to extend its shelf life, high acid levels and sugar ratios, they invite many diseases and at the same time accelerate the formation process of diseases that you are genetically predisposed to. By causing uncontrolled weight gain, they can cause hormonal imbalance. In short, hair loss is the result of a disease; carbonated drink is a threat that triggers the health problem that causes it. The need for liquid consumption is not from such drinks; If we get it from water, vegetable juices, almond milk and herbal teas, we will make a more beneficial choice for our health, and therefore for our hair health.
High Glycemic Index Foods
The Glycemic Index expresses a numerical value that shows the rate at which the foods we eat raise blood sugar. Foods with a high glycemic index increase blood sugar suddenly, causing the need to eat more. This makes it difficult to keep the insulin hormone in balance. An increase in insulin resistance triggers many diseases such as diabetes, polycystic ovary syndrome and heart. It should be noted that hair loss is one of the typical and common symptoms of diabetes and polycystic ovary syndrome.
Does Alcohol Cause Hair Loss?
The results of some studies show that heavy alcohol consumption disrupts the hair structure and accelerates the hair loss process. Although alcohol use does not contribute to hair health, there is no scientific data that directly leads to hair loss. We can eliminate the confusion created by the contradiction here: The damage that may occur to your health as a result of alcohol use varies depending on how much you consume.
Which Foods Should We Consume for Healthy Hair?
Hair loss can develop due to many different reasons. Inadequate replenishment of our vitamin and mineral stores is one of the most common causes of hair loss complaints. The fact that the foods we consume are rich in vitamins and minerals will at least be beneficial for hair loss that develops due to this. Here are some of them: