Winter; It is the season when hair and skin problems are most intense. Although it is considered normal to lose an average of 100 hair strands every day, we observe that this number increases in the winter season. If you take a look at my blog history; You can come across my articles about how seasonal changes and changing weather conditions affect hair health. Seasonal changes are the process of confusion and adaptation of hair follicles. You may experience a little more hair loss than normal. Do not panic and continue reading my article. A little later, I will tell you how you can make your hair more resistant to cold and harsh weather.
Why Does Hair Lose More in Winter?
Why do hair and scalp problems increase in winter? To answer this simply; dry and harsh air absorbs all moisture from the scalp. This leads to dry scalp, itching and dandruff problem. Hair science says; weak hydrogen bond; causes the hair strands to dry and break. Hair strands that lose their vitality, become miniaturized, thin and break tend to fall out. Even if you have very healthy hair, it may be inevitable that you experience hair loss problems in this season of the year.
What to Do to Prevent Hair Loss in Winter?
Not only in winter; According to the changing weather conditions of each season, there should be a separate skin and hair care procedure. If you want to control seasonal hair loss, here are some helpful tips:
When should I see a doctor?
Although seasonal hair loss is a common problem, it is absolutely necessary to consult a specialist for uncontrolled hair loss. If your hair loss lasts longer than normal, if the effects continue despite the passing of the season, if you experience shedding more than the predicted number; Individual hair care measures alone will not be enough. In this case; It is necessary to carry out the necessary analyzes and examinations, to determine the underlying causes and to plan the treatment.