“Aziz, let it be very often so that my skin is not visible” is one of the topics I hear most often and I always give the following example to my patient. It is obvious how many pots of rice I can cook with the rice I have, first of all, do not forget this. Second, we define frequent hair transplantation as more than 35 FU/cm². If the recipient site incision is only 1 mm apart, this means a total of 3.5 cm incisions were made per cm² of transplanted scalp at a density of 35 FU/cm².
Look, I’m not saying this, almost all studies on hair transplantation suggest that increasing the total incision length above this number will result in less living hair in the grafts, that is, less hair survival. It is possible to achieve better hair vitality at densities above 35 FU/cm² by making fewer recipient site incisions, which requires smaller grafts or maximum cutting of the tissue around the hair follicles.
However, grafts become more susceptible to dehydration and physical trauma when they are prepared, stored, sorted, transferred, and placed at recipient site sites. The performance of the hair transplant team should also increase as the number of grafts per cm² increases and the size of the grafts and incisions decreases. A team of seven or eight people, usually working on a patient between 7:30 and 15:30, is strained if the FU density rises above 35 FU/cm², the outcome cannot be promised good. Therefore, it is recommended to ideally use 30 FU / cm² in almost all areas of the receiving area.
More importantly, 25-30 FU/cm² provides a very good view in almost all patients. Given the limited number of donor tissue and the unknown size of the eventual baldness area in any individual, we prefer to leave as much donor hair as possible for future use, especially in young men and women. For other areas where the patient may want to have a hair transplant later, we always remember the possibility of running out of grafts, and we share this with our patient.
Going back to the beginning, the donor area is limited, the hair loss problem you will experience in the future is obvious. Now why would we focus on just one area and make a request that I want more intensity so that it’s frequent? Moreover, how can we trust a hair transplant center that can’t tell you this in detail?
By the way, I think I realized that I did not mention the advantages of dence hair transplantation. Because I don’t think so.