Our body is actually the sum of many different parts. Although each of them seems autonomous, they actually work in communication and harmony with each other. Our bodies have their own way of signaling. A problem in any part can be a sign of a problem that has occurred in a deeper and different part. Can we read the signs? How can we interpret them? Here in this article, I want to tell you what your hair can say about your overall health.
There is a misconception that the hair on our heads is only for decoration and cosmetic purposes. Yes, it’s true, it’s a fact that it makes us look more attractive, more normal. We just say let them stay there, but our hair can give many clues about our body health and mind.
It is thought that problems such as stress, hair loss and premature graying are related to stress. Stress manifests itself in many ways. Moreover, one of the clear signs of a stressed mind and body is premature graying or shedding of hair. Most of the time, we do not realize it, but in our age, we try to cope with many stresses. Mobbing-filled work environments that affect our lifestyles contribute to our stress levels. And we have come to the brink of depression without even realizing it. Hair starts to turn gray earlier than normal, our skin looks dull and the overall health of our hair is affected. If you notice any of these symptoms, you may be living a stressful life. I recommend that you exercise regularly, engage in activities that bring joy to your soul, and quit smoking if you smoke. Not just for your hair,It is also very important even for a healthy body. It may also be advisable to seek professional help to manage stress if you cannot manage it.
Anemia is a condition in which the blood does not have enough healthy red blood cells. This leads to reduced oxygen flow to various organs of the body. The most common type is caused by a lack of iron in the body. An anemic body sheds more hair than normal, and after a while, it can cause chronic hair loss. If you are experiencing hair loss along with tiredness and pale skin, I suggest you have a blood test.
Protein Deficiency
Your hair health may indicate a lack of protein in your body. Protein is absolutely essential for hair growth. If your diet is not rich in protein, then your hair is lifeless and has started to fall out. The reason is simple, the body uses the small amount of protein you consume, leaving little or no protein left in your hair. This makes your hair thinner and causes it to fall out.
Immune problems
Immunodeficiency is a condition in which the immune system’s ability to fight infectious diseases is compromised. If it continues, it could be a serious problem. It affects the whole body. Researchers often associate this condition with extreme itching and dandruff. Dandruff can also be caused by chemicals in hair products and this can be easily reversed. However, excessive itching and dandruff indicate immunodeficiency and gastrointestinal problems. Also, if you see yellow dandruff, it may indicate a skin condition. If your scalp is very itchy and you have excessive dandruff, I suggest you see a doctor.
Polycystic ovary syndrome, or PCOS, is a hormonal disorder experienced by nearly one in five women. Women with PCOS experience two types of hair problems. One is excessive hair growth on the face or body, and the second is hair loss. Women with PCOS produce more male hormones such as testosterone and androgen, which can cause hair follicles to miniaturize and eventually fall out. Therefore, if you are experiencing hair loss, it may indicate PCOS. I would recommend seeing a gynecologist again.
It is very important for us to understand that hair is an integral part of our body. It reveals a lot about our health. The subject can range from zinc to vitamin deficiencies, from hormonal imbalances to stress. There are always symptoms that show up early and we often ignore them, but we must start paying attention to them. If you notice these symptoms in your hair, please see a doctor, this is the first step towards being healthy.