Hair transplantation procedure; It covers a long period of time from the decision stage to the stage of seeing the result of the transaction. There are many factors that affect the success of the procedure. The technique of hair transplantation, the professional experience of the hair transplantation specialist, the conditions of the clinic where the procedure will be performed, the suitability of the case and the level of awareness are important factors in achieving the targeted result. However, from time to time, we may encounter some undesirable situations after the procedure, despite all the conditions being met. Failure of the patient to participate in the process with due diligence harms both the hair transplant process and the healing process. We have listed the behaviors you should avoid for you.
1- Don’t Drive
Due to the anesthesia you will receive during the procedure, it is not recommended to drive for 24 hours after the hair transplant surgery. It is recommended that you have someone to accompany you to your home after the procedure.
2- Do not rest your head comfortably on the pillow
Yes, you heard right. At this point, we will ask you to compromise your sleeping comfort for a while. After the hair transplant surgery, you need to protect the operation area against contact and friction. In addition, swelling may occur around the face. For at least one week following the hair transplant surgery, a sleeping position should be determined with the head area elevated at 45 degrees, and direct contact of the procedure area with the pillow should be avoided with the help of neck-supported pillows.
3- Don’t Ignore the Medication Order
Medicines prescribed by your doctor are given in order to reduce the risk of complications, prevent infection, relieve possible pain and ensure your recovery as soon as possible. your medicines; Unfortunately, you don’t have the luxury of forgetting, delaying, setting an order according to your mind and leaving it out of your doctor’s knowledge.
4- Don’t Forget To Make Ice Compresses
We recommend that you remember information from your childhood. Ice compress reduces bleeding and swelling. It is an important part of the recovery process after some surgeries. After the hair transplantation process, ice compresses should be applied at the times and time intervals prescribed by the doctor.
5- Do not wash your hair by rubbing it
You should not take a shower for 3 days after hair transplantation. The first wash should be performed by your doctor on the 3rd day. Subsequent washes should be done as described to you and with the prescribed medical shampoo; During the washing process, you should avoid rubbing the scalp. Remember that you are in the process where you need to be the most gentle to your scalp.
6- Do not dye your hair
It is not recommended to dye the hair for at least 1 month after the hair transplant surgery. Exposure of the treatment area to harmful chemicals damages the transplanted hair follicles. Therefore, you jeopardize the success of the transaction.
7- Protect yourself from the sun
After hair transplantation, you should protect the surgery area from the sun for two weeks. In order for the redness of the procedure to not turn into permanent scars, you should not expose your scalp to the harmful rays of the sun. If conditions require you to be outside, try to keep this time as short as possible.
8- End of Sexuality
Don’t let the title scare you. Our request is valid for a short time. We recommend waiting 10 days for sexual life activities. You may invite infection due to increased blood pressure, sweating and risk of contact.
9- Do Not Consume Cigarettes and Alcohol
We request you to take a break from alcohol and smoking 10 days before the hair transplant surgery. It is recommended that you stay away from alcohol and cigarettes for at least 1 month in order not to damage the healing process after the procedure.
10- Don’t Panic, They’re Just Shock Spills
Some of the patients think that they will never face the problem of hair loss after hair transplantation. Please do not panic when you notice that your hair is starting to fall out after the procedure. Hair may be in the shedding phase of their natural growth cycle. In addition, after hair transplant operations, it takes some time for the hair follicles to get used to the area where they are planted. Make sure your hair roots stay in place and your hair will grow out after a while.