Whether hair transplant operations are performed with traditional methods or modern techniques, they leave a trace. However, don’t let this answer spoil your taste. This is true not only for hair transplantation, but also for all surgical interventions. The surgeries performed with the possibilities of modern technology prevent the scar from becoming an aesthetic problem, not the formation of scars. The most contemporary technique used in hair transplant surgeries today is FUE . The fact that FUE hair transplantation is a less invasive method minimizes the scarring problem. FUE is the most preferred method in hair transplant surgery in order not to expose people who want to have a hair transplant to a new aesthetic loss .
Does FUE Hair Transplantation Leave Scars?
It is inevitable to leave scars after FUE, which is considered as a modern hair transplantation technique and is preferred. Although FUE is an effective and permanent option in the fight against male pattern baldness, small scars will occur during the regrowth of the transplanted hair. The biggest advantage of the FUE technique is that these scars are unnoticeable. FUE is also an advantageous option in terms of faster recovery. Patients can recover in 10 to 15 days.
So, How Does FUE Leave Traces?
The process in FUE hair transplantation works as follows:
donor area for hair transplantation is the back of the head; that is, the area between the two ears. In the FUE technique, hair follicles from this area are collected one by one with a punch device. During the removal of hair follicles, scars smaller than 1 millimeter occur. When the hair reaches a certain length, these traces are completely hidden.
What are the Factors Reducing the Risk of Scarring in FUE Hair Transplantation?
The most important condition for avoiding FUE hair transplantation with minimal and concealable scars is the knowledge, skills and experience of the hair transplant specialist. Collecting more hair follicles from the donor area poses a risk in terms of scarring. Hair follicles should be taken in a planned and economical way. A knowledgeable and experienced hair transplant specialist has full knowledge of the risks of collecting too many grafts . Forcing the donor area capacity to obtain more hair density ; It not only makes the scar invisible, but also brings serious problems such as necrosis to the agenda.
What to Do for Hair Transplantation That Leaves Significant Traces?
to compensate for the erroneous or unsuccessful hair transplant results with the revision hair transplant procedure. Revision hair transplantation; It is planned and applied in order to correct the mistakes of the previous hair transplantation. We can list the situations that raise the need for revision hair transplantation as follows:
What should people who want to have hair transplant do?
Hair transplant surgery performed by experts with appropriate techniques has minimal risks in terms of scarring. If you think you need a hair transplant procedure , the first thing you should do is to search for a good hair transplant specialist in order to avoid undesirable results and to minimize the possible risks of the surgery. In addition, it should not be forgotten that hair transplant surgeries, which have become more and more popular in recent years , should be performed in appropriate clinical and hospital conditions. Visual displeasure or scar problem may not be the only unpleasant result of hair transplant surgeries, in which high graft promises are tried to be carried out in under-the-counter conditions.