First European hair transplant center providing stem cell based FAT Hair Transplant

Why to choose Aziz Aksöz and His Team?

  • In hair transplantation important factors include the patient’s health, hair characteristics, seperation of grafts and know where to use them, also the operative techniques. Finding the optimal storage solution and the most effective additives appear to be a worthwhile pursuit, when there is confidence that the basics of graft care have been addressed. If performed improperly, several areas of the HTS procedure can each result in graft death; but, it is likely that the grafts accumulate sublethal stresses from each stage of the procedure, which, in their totality, can lead to loss of survival. Aziz Aksöz and his team specialize in graft distribution and perform hair transplantation by considering all possible factors.
  • His award-winning book about hair is a world first and is dedicated to hair.
  • He makes every work that based on scientific facts and has scientific articles and researches.
  • He has applied FAT hair transplantation to more than 5000 people so far and has achieved very good results.
  • He serves only 1 patient per day, which shows how much it cares about patient health.
  • He trains his team and gives them continuous training.

FAT Hair Transplant

FAT hair transplantation is a unique treatment that takes hair transplantation to the next level by using stem cell technology. Follicular unit Autologous Transplantation- FAT is performed by processing the patient's own fat, enriching it with stem cells, and then performing hair transplantation with the FUE method.

FAT hair transplant is a personalized treatment. Everyone has different expectations. Whether you are an ideal candidate for FAT hair transplant surgery will depend on how much hair you have lost, the hairstyle you want, how much donor hair you have, and your hair type. In most hair loss, the main cause is male pattern baldness. 

This is caused by DHT ( dihydrotestosterone ) , which causes the hair follicles to weaken and fall out. This is called "pattern baldness" because most affected men have the same pattern of hair thinning and balding. The different types of shedding depend on how severely you are affected by hair loss. FAT hair transplantation, on the other hand, makes you regain your lost hair with stem cell treatment, which turns all this negative picture into an advantage.

Advantages of FAT Hair Transplantation

  • With the effect of the stem cell, the scalp is revitalized and becomes ready for transplantation. It stimulates the hair roots.
  • It ensures that the newly planted roots grow healthier and more productive.
  • It increases the adhesion rate of the transplanted hair. It provides revival of existing hair.
  • It accelerates wound healing during the recovery period after hair transplantation.
  • It alleviates the shock shedding phase, which is a natural process.


Premium Hair Transplant Before and After

Our hair transplant Turkey before after photos speak for themselves. They show the difference that Our Doctors and Aziz Aksöz Team can make to your life with a natural looking hairline, thick new growth and complete hair transplant success.

Before 18After 18

Get Natural Hair Now

About Aziz Aksöz

Aziz Aksoz, graduated from theYusuf Balasagun Kyrgyz National University Faculty of Medicine and Department of Medical Laboratory in Istanbul University. Also he worked in the Biochemistry, Clinical Microbiology, and Medical Genetics Department.

In 2009, he worked on human physiology and curly hair at Braithwaite Memorial Specialist Hospital in Nigeria through Clinotech Group Canada. Using his laboratory knowledge and experience in the field of hair health and genetics, he conducted R&D studies

Our Expert Doctors

Natural, Dense and Perfect Hairline. Maximum Graft Excellent Results.

In our center, which has been serving you since 2011, we see your health as our top priority. In our hospital, we are always with you with the our fast appointment system with all of our branches. We take it as our duty to fulfill your dreams with our expert doctor staff. We perform routine tests with the most up-to-date medical devices against any possible health problems. We are happy to set an example by working with the awareness that your health is the most important factor.

If need any info please contact us!